Lessons learnt - future practice

Lessons learnt – future practice

It feels ages ago that I started this ONL172 course on 25th of September.  We all felt very confused in the beginning.  I started wondering in the first week if I would make it through the 10 weeks. 

One of the most important things that I learnt through the course was probably to work together as a team.  I normally prefer to do work on my own, but we were divided into groups and had to work as a team.  I suddenly realised the value of teamwork.  Our hourly meetings were a brainstorming session from beginning to end.  We were from different backgrounds and our ideas inspired each other.  We had different people being the inspiration for meetings.  We made turns to lead the meetings. It was nice that it was not the same people who lead the sessions.  It helped to keep the energy levels up in the group.

I encountered different tools that I can use in my teaching.  I will most definitely use these tools in my lecturing.  Up to now I only used a small number of tools, like PowerPont and the odd Powtoon.  I met Prezi, Padlet, Popplet, Wikispaces and Adobe Spark.  Most of these tools will enhance my lectures and make it more fun for the students.  Some of these tools will also help with introducing collaboration in the lecturing space.  Hopefully my students will be able to recognise the value of teamwork and collaboration


  1. Teamwork has been a driving force in our group. The group dynamics kept us going and saw me through the course. I will try out group continuity in my own courses and remain engaged as a facilitator in the group although assigning different group leaders according to tasks as we had in the course.

  2. It´s always interesting to read about group dynamics because that what shapes a course and lead it to its success or failure. I think it was amazing to be able to learn to use new tools with a purpose and know I to handle them. We also became more active online, a bit closer to a resident, in my case.

  3. Thank you for your blog post. I found out as well that working in group gives us more output and we can learn from others too. Your blog just remided me to have a list of tools for future uses.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I completely share your reflections. I have a similar experience with this course and the new tools we learned in this course are amazing. I knew only couple of them before.

  6. I can relate myself to your post as well, I mean I knew that there are so many digital tools in the net, but this course broaden my horizons and when I've tried this tool practically, I know that it will help in my classes as well.

  7. Wonderful summary of the course.

  8. Thanks for sharing such a positive reflections. I think the "confusion" as first is part of the learning process, so long as it does not result in participants dropping out of the course. Collaboration and team work is challenging, but if you get it to work, it can provide a great learning environment. I do hope you are encouraged enough to explore this in your own teaching practice, start small and build from there. So glad we took this learning journey together, I too learnt a LOT.


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